
Friday, June 19, 2015

Geo Cache

As a family we love to go geocaching. It's a wonderful free way to get outside and see the world around you!

Geocaching is like a treasure hunt. Your given hints and GPS locations, and that's it! Sometimes it's much more complicated then that. Research, puzzles, and out of the box designs make up most of the geocaches! We've been taken to some beautiful and history-rich locations with this pastime. And the best thing, it's only the cost of gas (if you drive there!) making it one the best family activities. With caches all over the world and different difficulties levels, anyone can join in! 

When we started Little Miss was quite little. Only 5! She loved finding the 'treasure chests'. Now we're older and Little Miss likes alittle harder of a challenge. When we moved to Albuquerque, geo caches became 'city caches'. The caches were cleverly hidden and very tiny, micro caches the size of a pill. Here in the big city we even started to locate geocoins, with the help of our bible study friends. Geocoins are normally series of geocaches that a seeker must look for in order to get the last location or code to receive the coin. The caches mostly take you on a journey through history or just some really amazing views. 

The first series we went on was a geoflight. A wonderful series through Bernalillo County's bird sanctuaries, something I didn't even know was here! Each location we had to research and look for answers to give at the final location. 
Did you know Bernalillo county is one of two national bird sanctuaries for wild birds?

Our second (but first coin) adventure was travelling all over the county looking for BernCo Bernie! Bernie is the official spokesheep for Bernalillo. We trekked to all the corners of the county learning the early history of Albuquerque. The coins are only given to the first 200 people each year. You can see them above, our county seal on front and the caches are on back.

I can't talk highly enough about geocaching. Don't let me just tell you about it, go grab the site and a GPS. Go get some treasure!

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